
Request a quote

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How to Request a quote?

  1. Add a product to your quote cart:
    Go to the product page of the product you want to add to your quote. Click on the "Add to quote" button. The product is now added to your quote cart.
  2. Update your quote cart:
    If the product is not automatically displayed in your quote cart, click the "Update Quote" button at the top of the page. This will add the product to your quote cart.
  3. Enter your information:
    Fill in the fields on the right side of the page with your information. 
  4. Request a quote:
    Click on the "Request Quote" button at the bottom of the page. 

After submitting the quote request, you will receive a confirmation email. If additional information is needed, we will contact you. Once the quote is prepared, you will receive it by email. 

What happens after my request?

  1. Confirmation email:
    After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation email from us. This email will confirm that we have received your request. We will process your request as soon as possible.
  2. Contact moment for more information:
    In some cases, we may need to obtain more information before we can provide a quote. If there are any uncertainties in your request or if we have specific questions about your preferences, we will contact you to obtain more information. 
  3. Email with quote:
    Once we have gathered all the necessary information, we can prepare the quote. The quote will contain all relevant information, such as price, delivery terms, payment terms, and other important details. The quote will then be sent to you by email.

We hope this provides clarity on how the quote request process works and we look forward to receiving your request. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

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By Yvan Karman